Monday 25 April 2011

Sega Research Main Texts

This text has been thoroughly read and is not just copied off the net. There is a lot of useful information within this text ranging from character knowledge to plots of the original TV series which helped me gain a better idea of the game and characters of them featured.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Awareness Test .. Epic

Style / Pacing of my Ad

The pacing of my title is pretty simple, no voice overs no in your face titles. The style will be similar to the idea of these adverts. In particular the cadbury gorilla. They'll be a large build up and the titles at the end.

Monday 24 January 2011

References For PS Brush Packs and Files




Friday 21 January 2011


Interview with Kyle Cooper. Great insights from the acclaimed title designer and (art) director on the use of typography in three classic main titles that made a big impression on him: The Dead Zone by Wayne Fitzgerald, To Kill A Mockingbird by Stephen Frankfurt and Walk On The Wild Side by Saul Bass.

Cooper, who feels more comfortable designing story-based main titles, talks about what one of his greatest main titles, next to Se7en, his opening en end credits for Dawn of the Dead.

Forget the Film, Watch the Titles is a website dedicated to title sequence design, featuring over 130 title sequences and interviews with designers:


Kyle Cooper - The guy that did the titles for tropic thunder and many more...


A range of Title Sequenced I've researched from a selection of primary DVD's

Squences have been cut in after effects.

Thursday 20 January 2011


Alexey Kurbatov

Full Gallery @

Cristiano Siqueira





"I'm Cristiano Siqueira and people call me CrisVector too. I'm an Illustrator from Sao Paulo / Brazil, specialized in digital and vector illustration and this website is a showcase of my personal production and some works done for various clients around the world.

You are welcome. To contact me, drop your message here. Brasileiros falem comigo por aqui. For business proposals, job inquiries and artwork usage, please contact Erika Groeschel Inc. T. 212-685-3291
C. 646-258-1177 NYC"

Monday 15 November 2010

POS Idea

Saw this in Asda tonight. Never considered the idea for a stand or POS. Just focussed on designing the products. But, we will need a place for display and this idea is great.

The pos is positioned right at the front of the store and the height really makes it visible and attracts you in. We went over to check it out and even picked up the DVD and read back of case. But without the stand I wouldnt have picked up some dragon film off a shelf. So it obviously works.

What size to do the posters??

The promotional posters are fairly obvious because I know they need to large format and highly visible hense decisions in type size and thickness etc. Although the smaller posters I'd be using for sale and dressing areas don't really need to be huge.

Not just in terms of costing but toying between the idea of A1 and A2 I'm starting to lean towards A2. I've got examples of past prints in these sizes in front of me now and in thinking who'd be buying the posters, would they want an A1?

Spoke to a few people about this today and a lot of people said that you'd think bigger the better with these things but A2's generally a good solid size. If it was being stuck up onto someones wall it's not too big but still an effective size.

It is hard to say at this point anyway, probably best to run some prints though in varied sizes and get some feedback off that.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Foundation Tees

One thing to really note about this is how littler theyre related to any cause or charity, they just look appealing. I think is a good thing as your almost giving to charity without even knowing about it. You buy the product becuase its appealing whilst QS hand 3% over to a good cause.


Foundation Tees
By Taylor Cotton | Published March 17th, 2010

New Quiksilver Foundation tees for summer!


The Quiksilver Foundation art tees for summer 2010 is a collaboration between Brookes Reeder and Scott Massey. With the photography of Brookes Reeder and the DIY style of Scott Masey we have two tees that echo an environmental theme by content or implied simply by the recycled process of collage. Please visit to gain info on Scott’s new book, RRR.01, which Brookes has also contributed.

design/cut Scott Massey –

photos Brookes Reeder –

3% of each Foundation tee sold will be donated to the Quiksilver Foundation to enhance the quality of life for communities of boardriders across the world by supporting environmental, educational, health and youth-related projects.


The Quiksilver Foundation supported the 2009 HOPE social mission to Nairobi, Kenya with the intention of bringing artist and media to places in need. 3% of each Quiksilver X HOPE tee sold will benefit the HOPE campaign in continued support of artist in global education and peace programs everywhere.

H.O.P.E. or Helping Other People Everywhere is an energy concious 501(c)3 non-profit focused on involving artist and their contributions in campaigns, programs and events to support existing social projects that promote education and peace around the world.

Pink Cypher J-Dub Boardshort

Taken from QS Foundation Web. An example of designers creating products to be sold through QSF. 3% of proceeds to to charity and as pictured below, they're displayed on riders to make them more desirable/cool, pink or not!

Pink Cypher J-Dub Boardshort
By Taylor Cotton | Published March 18th, 2010

Julian Wilson’s signature Cypher J-Dub boardshort will be available in a limited edition pink colorway this summer! 3% of the proceeds raised from the sale of these boardshorts will be donated to support Keep A Breast education, awareness and breast cancer prevention programs.

To learn more about Keep A Breast visit their website at

Dane Reynolds approved!


Main consistant sponsorship coming from Orange, Sony Ericsson.

Previously Sponsored Events :

King of the Groms
Pro France
Pro Portugal
Tony Hawk and Friends

Why do it, how do they benefit?
Quiksilver tours are huge events drawing in thousands of young people. Sony market products towards this group and work in conjunction with QS on various products.

"During the next week will launch the new Sony Ericsson Quiksilver Spiro, exclusive to the TMN network. The phone will be available in all the outlets of TMN, and Quiksilver stores (Columbus, Ericeira, Lisbon, Guide, Porto, Porto and Cascais).Should you buy the new Sony Ericsson phone in a store QUIKSILVER TMN will also receive a voucher worth 10 €. After only have to drive to one of the Quiksilver Stores and exchange the voucher for € 10 at Quiksilver products and / or Roxy."

Other previous major sponsors of QuikSilver

Peugeot 106 Quicksilver
Peugeot 206 Quicksilver

Virgin Media
Virgin Travel

Saturday 13 November 2010

Ideas - Possible Logo - "Goat Boater"


Basically I wanted to combine some of the design ideas I've being playing around with to the events title, The Goat Boater. To do this I thought it best to start getting some reference images to start working over and try to build a base for how I wanted them to look.

I've stuck with the same colour palette previously chosen as these came out best in testing and were maintained throughout for consistancy.


3 Main ideas below, there are some VERY initial ideas that I'm a little reluctant to put on as they're really quite terrible. Should also point out these are just initial ideas for now:


Friday 12 November 2010


Chosen name for the event will be


Basing this on the reason that it's catchy. It's slightly humerous as well that will relate to a younger group and it actually relates to surfing curture and it's nothing offensive. It's fun light and has a cool flow to it.

Goat Boater
Derogatory term for kayakers and wave skiers

This will appear on everything connected to the Event. Posters, products, promo, everything.

"where ya off?" - "off to goat boater mannnn"... Think it works

Finding a Name for the Event

To get some inspiration I started to look at surfing again and the terms. Found out some pretty interesting stuff actually, listen below..

Point Break - The Swayze / Reeves flick entitled "Point Break" was named after this type of wave! The point break is a wave that breaks onto a rocky point. A good example of a point break is Bells Beach in Australia. (It's nice how this links the film and the wave together!) <- Film link if you can't remember what it was about.

What Australians call a watering hole, but to everyone else it is one of the largest surfing equipment and clothing manufacturers out there.

Goat Boater
Derogatory term for kayakers and wave skiers

Gremmie / Grommet / Grom
Any of the above can be used to describe a young or inexperienced surfer. Grommet is also the cute doggie character in the Nick Park animation creations. (And they are really rather good!)

Another word for a barrel / tube

New School

The term given to trick surfing — airs, shove-its, etc.

Noodled / Noodle Arms
Being exhausted or having tired arms

This is when the wind at a surf break is blowing off the shore ;-), It makes for ideal surfing conditions.

Party Wave
A wave surfed by several people at once

Rails are the sides of your surfboard, running from nose to tail and back again.

Rail Bang
To fall off and take the surfboard between the legs (Ouch!)

Someone who buys surf gear and clothing but does not surf

Proposed Product Range


1. Shirts – 4 Designs incorporating the charity logo. Boys/Girls 2 Each
2. Hat / Cap – 3 Designs
3. Shorts – 2 Designs Boys/Girls

Promotional and Event Material

1. Posters – Set of 5 to be displayed around the area for publicity. Also to be used as display in and around the event.
2. Banners – 2 Designs. Signage displayed around the event featuring sponsorship information.
3. Flyers – To be used as a sub to the poster. Promotion leaflets available around the event area to draw people in. Also applicable within the event, outlining times and schedules.
4. Tickets – Design for the entry ticket. Design should outline information such as all areas and include sponsor logos etc.
5. Certification Boards – These will be the large format boards awarded to the surfer. They will not be pre written with details of the riders name etc, this will be left black to be written on the day of the event.
6. Site Map Poster – Layout to be displayed at the main entrance of the event depicting the various elements of the event.
7. Umbrellas – 1/2 designs maximum. Used for dressing blank areas of the beach.
8. Tents – A shaded area for the adjudicators, QS logo and Sponsorship to be shown. This is a large impact piece for the viewer so visibility on both the design and sponsors will be high impact.

Print Products

1. Surfboards, Vinyl Wrap to be applied to the top section of the board. To be largely seen as ‘skins’. Interchangeable designs for riders.
2. Stickers – Pack form, up to 20 separate designs for the brand and event.
3. The ‘Quik Fold’. Range of 5. This is the folded poster I’ll be running. The poster is obviously flat to begin with however is perforated to easily pop out and be folded into a spherical ball, the Truncated icosahedrons.
4. The ‘Quik Cards’. Range of 50 cards. This is the pack that allows the user to construct shapes and create forms by stacking the cards in endless variations.
5. Lanyard – 1 of, need to be simple in form due to printing limitations.
6. Book marks/Collectables – Range of 8.

Event Research Products - Exhisting Photography

Board Design, Stickers and water buoy


Lanyards, nice idea these because of there popularity and people would like to be seen with them (needs supporting from questionnaire)

Event Research Promotion - Exhisting Photography

Bright bold and colourful photos. Clearly depicts the event, surfing and the team behind it, 'QuikSilver'. Link to web address and sponsors shown below.

Sponsor organised competitions within the events, pretty good event too!

Pretty important this one, something I completely over looked... A site MAP

Event Research - Exhisting Photography

Shaded areas for the judging panel and umbreallas. Outlined to the left, Photographic area with competition design and sponsorships features.

Certificates on generic boards, prize / titles and names are then handwritten onto the board.

More boards from Pro Portugal. Note the Sony Ericson sponsor ship in the upper left. Sony have sponsored 5 consecutive events for 5 years so far.

'Base Camp' Lots of material here depicting the event and areas of the course.

Boards, signage and sponsorship are litered around the event creating a boundary around the event and a chance for sponsors to seen around the event.

Mobile advertising. Sponsors providing event sponsorship whilst drawing attention to themselves.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Charity Posibilities

The main charity I'd want to choose for the QuikSilver Foundation would be 'Caner Research Uk'

Without going into why cancer is such a large issue, becuase it's largly obvious an not relevant to the course anyway, but cancer affects such a large population from young children to the elderly. With such an important cause touching such a wide spread of people I thought it appropraite for the foundation in terms of age range and relevance.

Some Tag Lines to paly around with: -

THINK QUIK - Possibly relevant to brain tumours? No, actually made myself cringe just thinking about that. But something along the lines of 'Quick' to link with Quiksilver. Something that has a sense of urgancy etc.