Friday 12 November 2010

Proposed Product Range


1. Shirts – 4 Designs incorporating the charity logo. Boys/Girls 2 Each
2. Hat / Cap – 3 Designs
3. Shorts – 2 Designs Boys/Girls

Promotional and Event Material

1. Posters – Set of 5 to be displayed around the area for publicity. Also to be used as display in and around the event.
2. Banners – 2 Designs. Signage displayed around the event featuring sponsorship information.
3. Flyers – To be used as a sub to the poster. Promotion leaflets available around the event area to draw people in. Also applicable within the event, outlining times and schedules.
4. Tickets – Design for the entry ticket. Design should outline information such as all areas and include sponsor logos etc.
5. Certification Boards – These will be the large format boards awarded to the surfer. They will not be pre written with details of the riders name etc, this will be left black to be written on the day of the event.
6. Site Map Poster – Layout to be displayed at the main entrance of the event depicting the various elements of the event.
7. Umbrellas – 1/2 designs maximum. Used for dressing blank areas of the beach.
8. Tents – A shaded area for the adjudicators, QS logo and Sponsorship to be shown. This is a large impact piece for the viewer so visibility on both the design and sponsors will be high impact.

Print Products

1. Surfboards, Vinyl Wrap to be applied to the top section of the board. To be largely seen as ‘skins’. Interchangeable designs for riders.
2. Stickers – Pack form, up to 20 separate designs for the brand and event.
3. The ‘Quik Fold’. Range of 5. This is the folded poster I’ll be running. The poster is obviously flat to begin with however is perforated to easily pop out and be folded into a spherical ball, the Truncated icosahedrons.
4. The ‘Quik Cards’. Range of 50 cards. This is the pack that allows the user to construct shapes and create forms by stacking the cards in endless variations.
5. Lanyard – 1 of, need to be simple in form due to printing limitations.
6. Book marks/Collectables – Range of 8.

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