Monday 15 November 2010

What size to do the posters??

The promotional posters are fairly obvious because I know they need to large format and highly visible hense decisions in type size and thickness etc. Although the smaller posters I'd be using for sale and dressing areas don't really need to be huge.

Not just in terms of costing but toying between the idea of A1 and A2 I'm starting to lean towards A2. I've got examples of past prints in these sizes in front of me now and in thinking who'd be buying the posters, would they want an A1?

Spoke to a few people about this today and a lot of people said that you'd think bigger the better with these things but A2's generally a good solid size. If it was being stuck up onto someones wall it's not too big but still an effective size.

It is hard to say at this point anyway, probably best to run some prints though in varied sizes and get some feedback off that.

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