Tuesday 12 October 2010

The Quicksilver Foundation Paddle to Live

Most people vomit their way through cancer treatment, chemo sick and mentally and physically drained. Shimko competed in the World Paddle Board Championship. That’s not to say that he had it easy, the man is just a masochist of the highest order. He says he got himself through the misery of chemotherapy and radiation by dreaming about and occasionally completing heinous endurance challenges, fantasizing about the kind of physical punishment that would dwarf the nausea and exhaustion he was experiencing. Now that he is “mostly” in recovery (his cancer is still somewhat active but is no longer life threatening), Shimko is going to paddle an 18′ paddleboard 150+ miles through the open ocean from Santa Barbara through the Channel Islands to Newport Beach this September 23 — October 2. He’ll be raising money for the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Livestrong Foundation in the process.

Visit www.paddle2live.org to learn more.

Donations can be made at www.quiksilverfoundation/donate or you can mail a check to the following…

Quiksilver Foundation
Attn: Ryan Ashton
15202 Graham St.
Huntington Beach, CA 92649

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