Thursday 29 October 2009

Right, I’m basically looking at a big word document full of links that I’ve still yet to upload. So, with a little free time now, here it goes. The types of work I’ve been looking for are mostly digital as this is still defiantly a direction I wish to pursue within the course.

I came across a lot of pretty much jaw dropping stuff and I found it pretty interesting picking out certain areas and realising how the work was made. The only resource I’ve been using so far is the internet and I’ll be looking at other areas shortly through college library and poster hunting around the city!

One of the first tutorials Fred showed us was a pretty fun animation based around typography. I had a little look into the animation side and found this amazing piece by Jenn and Sara, designers based in London.

The more you watch it you kind of start to appreciate it even more. I love how the creator and the image itself interact with each other and how well thought out the design is. It’s both interesting and impressive with a very clever use of technique. Even the choice of simple music helps support an idea of simplicity and adds an upbeat vide to the whole animation.

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